Our New Building and Grounds

A lot of changes are afoot at The Learning Center.  Since purchasing the property in October 2020, we have been busy turning our school into a model of sustainability. Our work has been focused on enhancing the habitat that surrounds our school building.


Where You'll Find us

Our students spend a lot of time outdoors, and our grounds are designed to allow for many levels of interaction with the natural environment. Students tend the garden or harvest vegetables during our daily recess.  Within its green and growing walls, the bean hut provides a space for imaginative play.  Homemade wooden benches line the school grounds for outdoor relaxation. We have planted 900 sq. ft. of wildflower meadow and over 100 native trees and shrubs in our landscape.  Honey bees  are at home in our school’s apiary.  They bring our  meadow to life as they enjoy all of the bright, bold flowers that  fill our landscape

Students explore this beautiful ravine, home to newts, salamanders, frogs and crayfish (just to name a few) as they experience Forest School.

In September 2021, as a way to learn about the other organisms with which we share this property, the Learning Center students took part in a BioBlitz.  We explored our 4-acre property with observant eyes and careful hands.  By the end of the 4-day experience, we had discovered a total of 129 species.  Students have been logging observations ever since. The number of new species  we’ve found grows nearly everyday.  Check out our tally of species identified on site at iNaturalist at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/the-learning-center-meadville

ravine 1